New deep learning library goes as small as 512k
This is really an exciting news, especially for app developers, the size of the library is critical. If your model takes more than 100...

Deep learning model - china classification
对于中国古代瓷器我一直有着浓厚的兴趣,对于瓷器的鉴别我并不能算很懂,全部经验主要来自于几本中国陶瓷鉴赏和马未都老师的瓷之色,瓷之纹等等,再加上从小便穿梭于北京潘家园的陶瓷市场,所以遇到一些典型器件,到也可以说上几句。 对于现有的deep learning...

Alphago is shocking
I have watched the previous two games, and the result is really shocking. AI + deep learning has pushed machine learning technology to a...
Hello World - Company registered
Finally we decided to call our company deep cake. The reason is we are going to use our deep learning technology to help people to...